Supporting the mental health of your team

How will COVID-19 affect our mental health
and the way we work in the future?


We do not yet know exactly what the mental health impacts of COVID-19 will be. 
There are many factors to consider, including the impact of the lockdown and ongoing restrictions such as social distancing and self-isolation. 

Some employees will be fearful about contracting the virus, others will be anxious about family and friends. 

There have been fears about job security, returning to the workplace and financial concerns. Some employees are working longer or more irregular hours and many are combining work with home-schooling and other family responsibilities, leading to a poor work-life balance.

Results of early research into the health impacts of lockdown include findings of feeling fatigued, poor work life balance, reduced exercise and increased alcohol consumption. 

Evidence from previous quarantine situations, prior to the current pandemic, suggests that there are long lasting effects on mental health. These symptoms ranged from irritability and anger to depression and post-traumatic stress symptoms.

What should employers do?

At ‘Hampshire Mental Wellness‘ we offer a range of ways to support employees who are experiencing anxiety symptoms and other issues as a result of COVID-19, ranging from counselling & hypnotherapy through to Meditation & Mindfulness.

 We have programmes to support your employees and help them to regain an effective work-life balance and addressing fears about return to work.

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Invest in Yourself and Your Staff

The way we work has been changing for a while now- but the emergence of coronavirus (COVID-19) has led to a massive change, more uncertainty, and new challenges for many of businesses and their employees.


What Should Businesses Be Doing to Help Employees?

It is the duty of all UK employers to ensure the health and safety of their emplyees in the work place.  This extends to mental health conditions triggered or exacerbated by, the Coronavirus outbreak.

‘We help our clients from all over the world, discreetly and effectively with counselling or therapy sessions over Zoom, FaceTime or WhatsApp video calls. Call us to book a free 15 minute chat with one of our team to find out more and see if you feel it's right for you’.