I relax my body completely, relax my mind completely, and then imagine myself at a level where anything can happen.
— Richard Bach

Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax….


Believe In Yourself Meditation

Having self-belief does not mean you have excessive arrogance or vanity or an inflated sense of yourself and your own importance. What self-belief means is that you have a realistic measure of your own abilities, what you can do and have confidence in your capacity to do it. Self-belief can also incorporate your potential abilities as well as those you have already realized in your everyday life. This This Believe in Yourself Meditation is a great session to start the day with each day. 

Greater Confidence Meditation

Unfortunately, in today’s society it’s increasingly difficult to maintain a sense of self-worth, and therefore the experience of genuine confidence remains elusive. We might say that a lack of self-worth or self-esteem is one of the biggest problems we face, and it manifests in many ways. Building really confidence will help you to feel better, build resilience, and help you to deal with life’s challenges. This Greater Confidence Meditation session will not only help build your confidence each day, but will help you feel more in control, more grounded and have a greater sense of wellbeing.

Build Your Self Esteem Meditation

Self-esteem is, quite simply, how we value ourselves. More specifically, it is the things we tell ourselves about the type of person we are. If our thoughts about ourselves are generally positive, then we have healthy self-esteem. If our thoughts about ourselves are more often than not negative, then we — like many other people — may over time develop low self-esteem. The great news is that research has shown that meditating can help to change the relationship we have with our thoughts, ultimately building self-esteem and increasing our confidence.

Use this session as often as you like to build your all-important self-esteem.

Better Public Speaking Meditation

Most people have trouble with public peaking because they approach the subject from a place of fear. Their mind creates mental images of disaster scenarios, and those mental images further intensify their fear. In response, they try harder to memorize and recite the speech word for word – taking their attention away from the moment, and from the audience with whom they’re trying to create a connection.

Instead of trying to overcome fear by memorizing a speech word for word, meditation allows you to dissipate the fear in a natural way. It won’t completely get rid of nervousness, but it will allow you to have a positive relationship with the natural nervousness that comes with speaking. It’ll also allow you to be in the present moment – and allow you to be spontaneous, relaxed, and expressive.

Positive Mindset Mindful Meditation

It is well documented that the world’s most successful people, including professional athletes, actors, business-people, artists, and spiritual leaders, attribute their success to one thing, above all else, the power of having a positive outlook in life. If you want to successfully change your attitude, it is important to know that, just like a magnet, your thoughts, expectations, and beliefs attract everyone and everything that enters your life, both positive and negative. Having a positive outlook is also linked to longevity and health. Enjoy this session as often as you can to promote a positive empowered outlook on your life.

Relaxed Sleep Mindfulness Meditation

Since staying awake while we’re meditating is often a big challenge, so it’s of no surprise that mindfulness has been shown to promote healthy sleep. Meditation trains us to be less in our head and more aware of the present moment. The mind’s tendency to get caught up in thoughts is perhaps strongest at bedtime when we suddenly stop and be still. This Relaxed Sleep Meditation will not only help you to sleep better, and therefore better placed for the challenges of the working day, but will promote a sense of wellbeing and calmness while working.

No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you could find ways to relax for at least five minutes every hour, you’d be more productive.
— Dr. Joyce Brothers