The mind should be allowed some relaxation, that it may return to its work all the better for the rest.
— Seneca

Take time to relax and unwind…


Steps for Mindfulness Meditation

  1. Sit upright in a chair, and place your feet flat on the floor.

  2. Begin paying attention to your breath. ...

  3. You might feel compelled to shift your focus elsewhere. ...

  4. Anxious thoughts may pass through your mind. ...

  5. Continue this quiet, nonjudgmental observation for about 10 minutes.

Five Minute Meditation

For an absolute beginner it is suggested that you should try to meditate for at least 5 to 15 minutes a day in a single sitting so that you can experience meditation and its profound benefits. This Five-Minute Meditation Sessions is a great session to use when you are having a break at work or can spare five minutes in your busy day to ground yourself.

Your Gratitude Mindful Meditation

Research has shown that gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with a greater sense of happiness and well-being. Science tells us that counting our blessings increases our optimism, relieves depression, improves immune function, and lowers blood pressure. It also strengthens our relationships with those around us. Use the Gratitude Mindful Meditation when you can to promote a sense of wellness and abundance in your daily life.

Reduce Stress & Boost Your Immune System Mindful Meditation

It has been highly researched and is now generally accepted that increased levels of stress greatly compromise our immune systems.

There is a lot of evidence that our emotions have an impact on our immune system. One 2002 study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine showed that people with negative emotions were less resistant to the common cold than people with more positive emotions. Your mind and immune system are connected. By visualizing and keeping yourself in top shape through good nutrition, sleep and decreased levels of stress, your immune system will become stronger.

It’s all in the state of your mind. Shift your mind – Heal your body.

Stop Touching Your Face Hypnosis - Introduction with Sue Peckham

No one knows for sure why we touch our faces as much as we do. Some believe it may be a self-grooming behaviour left-over from our primitive ancestors.

What we do know though is that there are 3 main triggers to face touching. One is when we are concentrating on something intently. Another is when we feel anxious or stressed. The other is for practical reasons, such as when we have an itch, need to swat away an insect, or simply need to adjust makeup or apply something to our lips.

According to research from the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology we touch our faces in the region of 23 times an hour. Of course, the vast majority of these face touches are unconscious. As it is an unconscious behaviour. We can of course use hypnosis to reprogram our minds to create new behaviours.

Music for a Positive & Happy Mind

Sometimes we just want to sit and find a place of pece and calmness for a few minutes, to allow us to focus on what we are gratful for, and what we hope to achive in our busy lives. This piece of music is perfect for that. Use it whenever you can to relax and promote a sense of calmess in your busy day.

Ten Minute Meditation

Studies have shown that meditating even for 10 minutes a day can reduce symptoms of anxiety. Another study found meditation may encourage the growth of new brain neurons by forming new connections between existing neurons. This study concluded that these neurological effects suggest meditation is an effective treatment for anxiety and may even help prevent anxiety from developing. Using the Ten-Minute Meditation will rapidly transform your life and your wellbeing.  

Reduce Your Anxiety Mindfulness Meditation

The present moment isn't always a place of rest. Meditation can put us in touch with our stress and anxiety, and that's why it can be so helpful. Anxiety is our body’s way of saying, “Hey, I’m experiencing too much stress all at once.” This happens to the best of us. But, when that feeling of being “always on alert” becomes background noise that doesn’t go away, that’s when it’s time to seek help, and this session will help with that. Use as often as you need, to achieve calmness and to feel centred again.

Overcome Your Fear of Wearing a Face Mask Mindful Meditation

Many people are starting to experience an increase in the anxiety around having to wear a face mask whilst shopping, this is due to the feeling that breathing is limited because of restricted airflow which can easily be compared to a sense of suffocation. Also, any face covering will automatically make the face warmer (this area when covered is very thermosensitive) and anxiety sufferers can misinterpret the rise in temperature as a trigger for a panic/anxiety attack. 

This session will help overcome any anxiety related to wearing a face mask.

Stop Touching Your Face Hypnosis Session with Sue Peckham

Avoiding touching your face is an important and highly effective way of reducing your exposure to potentially harmful pathogens. But unfortunately, it's not as simple as just deciding not to touch your face.

Of course, the problem with telling anyone to not do anything that is a habit is that, generally, it makes them do it more. The behaviour is purely psychological and is known as reactance, which is a type of mechanism where our brain wants to ensure that we're free to do whatever it is that we want to do with our own lives.

But that's not all; humans are notoriously curious creatures, so when you label something as the ‘forbidden fruit’ and then say someone can't have it, you ultimately make them want it, even though they might not have even wanted it to begin with.

For most of us, frequent face touching is a deeply ingrained habit that occurs without any conscious input. This makes it very difficult to change the behaviour through willpower alone. This session helps reprogramme your mind to make you more aware about your face touching.

Music for Mindfulness

Sometimes we just want to sit and relax without hearing words or being asked to think (or not think!) Sometimes we just want to sit and ‘be’ for a few moments. This specially composed music track it the perfect prescription to just sit and relax for a few moments. Find somewhere safe and comfortable where you won’t be disturbed and find a place of piece in your own mind for a few moments.

Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.
— Chinese Proverb