Only when you are relaxed can you see what’s going on.
— Jane Campion

Transform Your Life


Weight Loss Motivation Meditaiton

Reduce Your Alcohol Intake Mindful Meditation

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Overcome Your Sugar Addiction Mindful Meditation

Do you sometimes feel you are addicted to sweets things and to sugar? Do you sometimes feel powerless to the cravings? Well now, the good news is that you can break the cycle. Once you become aware of WHEN and WHY you crave sugar, you can begin to replace sugary foods with healthier alternatives that will provide your body with the same feel-good sensations its craving. This powerful Overcome Your Sugar Addiction session will reprogram your mind to become more mindful about what and when you eat.

10 Minute Craving Crusher Mindful Meditation

Feeling the urge to eat something that would not be good for you? Then this session will help overcome the craving fast!

Listen to this powerful session as often as you wish when the cravings for sweet things kicks in!

Stop Binge Eating Mindful Meditation

Many people can suffer from eating disorders such as binge eating or emotional eating experience guilt and shame after episodes of compulsive eating, not to mention self-esteem issues. These negative judgmental feelings trigger the continuance of the eating patterns in what can feel like an endless self-perpetuating loop. Mindfulness meditation, however, promotes a non-judgmental observation of reality. A non-judgmental (and even compassionate) mindset can help to embrace a variety of emotions, including negative feelings, without actively trying to suppress or change them with food.

You can listen to this session whenever you feel our of control around food.

Stop Complaining Mindful Meditation

“Spending today complaining about yesterday won’t make tomorrow any better.” ~Unknown

Instead of feeling a release after complaining, complaining can actually make things worse. It can cause even more worry and anxiety. Most of us may have been unintentionally reinforcing the nasty habit of complaining, by virtue of… complaining.

There’s something called “experience-dependent neuroplasticity,” which is the continuing creation and grouping of neuron connections in our brains that take place as a result of our life experiences.

Neuroscience teaches us that neurons that fire together, wire together. Donald Hebb, a Canadian neuropsychologist, coined that phrase back in 1949. What this means is that whenever we think a thought or have a feeling or physical sensation, thousands of neurons are triggered and they all get together to form a neural network. With repetitive thinking, the brain learns to trigger the same neurons each time. So, if you keep your mind looping on self-criticism, worries, and how nothing is working out for you, your mind will more easily find that part of your brain and will quickly assist you in thinking those same thoughts again.

This powerful session will help rewire your mind to overcome to compulsion to complain.

Quit Smoking for Good Mindful Meditation

There are plenty of good reasons to quit, including health, money and social pressure. There are different techniques to help smokers quit; among them, meditation has been scientifically proven to be an effective method to help smokers kick the habit once and for all.

In one study, a group of smokers were invited to participate in Meditation sessions for two years. Within that time frame, 51% of the participants quit smoking altogether and 30% significantly reduced their tobacco consumption. These results were far better than those of the control group.

Use this powerful relaxing session to stop smoking for life!

Improve Your Relationships Mindful Meditation

Do you have trouble understanding relationships? If so, then you're not alone. Relationships can be one of the most difficult challenges of the human existence. Whether they are relationships with family members, friends, or romantic partner, conflicts in relationships can cause us stress, unhappiness, and even separation.

Many of us spend our whole lives trying to figure out how relationships work, and still feel like we don't understand them. But the truth is that once we gain some understanding, we realize that having good relationships isn't as complicated as we might think.

This Improve Your Relationships Mindful Meditation will help you connect fully with those around you. 

Manage Your Pain Mindful Meditation

Meditation is not like traditional painkillers, which are intended to dull or eliminate pain. While many experts recommend mindfulness-based practices to manage pain, the goal of those practices is typically not to remove pain entirely, but to change your relationship with it so that you are able to experience relief and healing in the middle of uncomfortable physical sensations.

The way you experience pain is affected by many factors in addition to pain intensity, such as your emotional state (“I am angry that I am feeling this way”), beliefs about pain (“This pain means there’s something seriously wrong with me”), expectations (“These painkillers aren’t going to work”), and environment (“I don’t have anyone to talk to about how I feel”).

Use this session regularly to manage the powerful emotions related to pain.

Let Go of the Past Mindful Meditation

Every one of us will experience hurt, betrayal and disappointment.  What matters is how we deal with these feelings.  As the Dalai Lama says, ‘Pain is inevitable.  Suffering is optional.’  What he means is that although it’s impossible to avoid upsetting experiences, we do have a say about whether negative events or people continue to affect us.

Many of us have difficulty letting go of the past and moving on with our lives. For some of us, it may seem almost impossible, and it can have serious consequences to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

This powerful session will help you to let go of the past and create a bright and abundant future for yourself and for those around you.

If you are relaxing and subconsciously thinking about your coming race, you are going to perform at just about 100 percent efficiency.
— Mark Spitz